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St. Luke Mission Statement: To know Christ and make Him known by Serving, Teaching, and Loving

Board of Worship

The Board of Worship is responsible for all the components of worship at St. Luke. The Board oversees a large dedicated group which includes ushers, acolytes, communion assistants, lay readers, musicians, choirs, sound and video technicians, and the altar guild, and of course, those who make the schedules for everyone.

The altar guild maintains and supplies all the elements of the service, including paraments, eucharist, wine, the eternal light, tidying up the pews and more.

Please give some prayerful consideration to joining the worship team.

Sign Me Up

Worship Assistants

Worship Ministry offers continuous Stewardship opportunities to give your time and service to the Lord and your church

Click the schedule to download and print

Readings for Lay Readers

Ushers at worship services needed
Ushers at worship services needed

We are currently seeking volunteer Ushers. If interested, please contact usher coordinator, Mark Nadjar at

Or fill out the Interest Form below and a Worship Committee member will contact you soon.

Email your name, the service time you prefer (8:15 or 10:45) and if you have any BLACK OUT dates that you cannot be scheduled.

We are currently seeking volunteer Lay Readers and Communion Assistants. If interested, please contact Deacon Paul Elgert: pelgert@optimum.net

Or fill out the Interest Form below and a Worship Committee member will contact you soon.

** Email your name, the service time you prefer (8:15 or 10:45) and if you have any BLACK OUT dates that you cannot be scheduled.

Worship Assistant Interest Form