Service Ministries

Opportunities to Serve & Take Care of our Church, Community, and the World

With a variety of ministries to choose from, we’re sure you’ll find yourself feeling right at home taking advantage of the many service opportunities to serve God, our St. Luke Family, and the world. Use the short form below to let us know if you'd like to serve in ministry.

At Home Ministries...
Missions and Social Concerns

For decades St. Luke Lutheran church has actively engaged in Outreach to the local communities, the nation, and abroad. Examples: Clothing Drives, Food Drives, "Souper" bowl Sunday, Thanksgiving and Easter Baskets, and so much more

Music Ministries

Join A Choir Today!
Contact Dr. Janet Pinto:
Contact Laura Fisher:

Youth Choir - Rehearsals in the Education building Conference Room
9:45 - 10:30am - Sundays between worship services with Dr. Janet Pinto
*Participate in the AGO Choir Festival at
St. Patrick's Huntington February 1st

Handbell Choir - Rehearsals at 7:30 pm on Tuesdays in the Sanctuary with Dr. Janet Pinto

Adult Choir - Rehearsals 7:30 - 8:30 pm Mondays - Sanctuary with Laura Fisher conducting and Dr. Janet Pinto accompaniment


Evangelism is charged with bringing the message of The Word into the community. Through various events (Car wash, blessing of the animals, Angel's Arms Baby shower, social media, etc) in the community and at St. Luke, the Evangelism committee spreads God's love and the word of the Gospel. Join this wonderful group at any meeting. Use the form to sign up

Parish Life

The Parish Life Committee plans and organizes special events throughout the year to provide opportunities for fellowship among our St. Luke family. Some examples of Parish Life service. St. Luke Special Events, Wine Tasting, Oktoberfest, Adult Fire Pits, and Weekly Coffee Hours between services and receptions following big events. These fun events are where lifelong friendships with our church family members begin. Interested in helping out? Use the form to sign up


"Christian stewardship is the free and joyous activity of the child of God and God’s family, the church, in managing all of life and life’s resources for God’s purposes." Stewards “belong” to God and, as they mature, they seek out God’s will for their stewardship attitudes and practices. We Christians have not just been “saved from” but we have also been “saved for,” that is, saved for doing good works which honor God and bless others. Stewards support that work with their time, talents and resources as they are led by the Spirit.

Young at Heart

The Young at Heart is a group of Seniors that meet weekly on Thursdays at 1pm. This is a vibrant group that is always welcoming and caring. The group does service projects for the church office and preschool office. They share stories, celebrate birthdays, and they love a good game of cards to cap off their time of fellowship.

C.A.R.E. Team

The C.A.R.E (Christians Actively Responding to Everyone) team is a group of St. Luke members who can provide support to other St. Luke family members who are experiencing illness or other challenging circumstances in their lives.
Some examples of support we can provide:

  • meals

  • errands

  • chores

  • rides

  • visits

  • sitting with a home bound family member while the family caregiver goes out for their own appointments.

The St. Luke family is part of your extended family! If we can help you, please call our hotline at 631-600-0271 and leave us a message, one of our volunteers will call you back as soon as possible. Or email

Women's Ministry

Join the women of St. Luke for breakfast, fellowship, service projects, and topics.

Meets every month (except December) on the 3rd Saturday at 9:00AM in the conference room in the Education Building. All are welcome to join us! Contact Anita Schabel:

Watch your email for the announcement of the first meeting this fall. See you then. All are welcome!

Board of Worship

We need you! Recruiting now...
The Board of Worship is responsible for all the components of worship at St. Luke. The Board oversees a large dedicated group which includes ushers, acolytes, communion assistants, lay readers, musicians, choirs, sound and video technicians, and the altar guild, and of course, those who make the schedules for everyone.

The altar guild maintains and supplies all the elements of the service, including paraments, eucharist, wine, the eternal light, tidying up the pews and more.

Please give some prayerful consideration to joining the worship assistant team.

Community/World Outreach Ministries...
Boy Scouts Troop 309 (Dix Hills)

Boy Scout Troop 309 has held their Charter at St. Luke Lutheran Church since 1965. The troop meets weekly in the St. Luke Education Building.

Here's a link to their site:

LCMS Atlantic District

St Luke allocates funds each year through the budget to support the ministry of the district and its mission efforts. Here is a link to the Atlantic District homepage:

Lutheran Counseling Center

St. Luke is a satellite location for the Lutheran Counseling Center, a service organization based in Hempstead, NY. The goal of the Lutheran Counseling Center is to provide practical alternatives to families and individuals in the context of a Christian perspective. Activities include family counseling, drug counseling and numerous other activities. Visit their facebook page:

For more information call (516) 741-0994.

Helping Hand Rescue Mission

Longstanding Huntington-based charity that provides help to those in need. Activities include clothing drives, soup kitchen, food pantry. St. Luke's offers ongoing financial and spiritual support to this local Huntington community ministry. Visit their website:

Angel Tree Prison Fellowship

Each Christmas St. Luke participates in the Angel Tree Prison Fellowship Program, a program in which prison inmates choose presents for their children, which are purchased and delivered by members of the church. The names of these children along with the gift requested is posted on our church bulletin board after Thanksgiving so that there is plenty of time to deliver the gifts to these little angels.
Here is a link to their site:

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans

St. Luke has a longstanding partnership with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent is involved with all facets of congregational life, including but not limited to: insurance, estate planning, philanthropic activities and scholarships.

Here is a link to their site

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