Looking for Preschool information? Click here or call the Preschool Office (631) 462-5216. Book a tour today!
St. Luke Mission Statement: To know Christ and make Him known by Serving, Teaching, and Loving

Summer Program Rates

Information about the Camp & Specials/Coupon codes

Helping Hands Information for Teens

Important Forms/Info:

Mandatory Forms for All Children Attending Camp

If your child has any allergy (food, medication, environmental, etc.) you MUST fill out both the OCFS-7006 and OCFS-6029 forms.

If your child has medication for their allergy (i.e., Benadryl, EpiPen, etc.) you MUST fill out the medication form for each medication.

Hot Lunch Menu

Want to see what our camp looks like? Check out our promo video!

Community Registration will open on March 1st, 2025.

What Group Should I Register my Child For?

Contact Information:

Summer Program Email: Stlukesummerprogram@gmail.com

Summer Program Phone Number: 631-490-2941

Summer Program Director/Director of Youth & Family Ministry:

Jackie Flynn

Summer Program Assistant Director: Jessica Portela