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St. Luke Mission Statement: To know Christ and make Him known by Serving, Teaching, and Loving
Welcome from Pastor Tom Johnson:
I’m excited that you are taking time to learn more about our ministries here at St. Luke!
We have a vibrant worshiping community and preschool. One of the first things I learned about St. Luke before I became Senior Pastor was “St. Luke is a family.” It is a simple statement that speaks to the authenticity of relationships and depth of our community. We are a family of faith.
Our Preschool & Early Childhood Center is our biggest mission and outreach to the surrounding community. It has provided a Christ-centered place for little ones to be nurtured in their physical, emotional, and spiritual growth and wellbeing for generations. Many of our teachers have served here for decades and we have become well known in the area for our faith-based approach and excellence.
Our mission at St. Luke is “to know Christ and make him known by Serving, Teaching, and Loving.” No matter your background or where you are in your spiritual journey, I’m confident that you will find a home and family here.
Please feel free to call the church office or email me at tjohnson@stlukedixhills.org if you have any questions or just want to get better acquainted.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Tom Johnson
About Pastor Johnson:
Pastor Tom Johnson grew up in West Lafayette, Indiana near Purdue University’s campus. He attended Indiana University as a music performance major studying classical guitar before changing to linguistics and Spanish.
He attended Dallas Theological Seminary where he earned a Master of Theology (ThM) with an emphasis in intercultural church planting and was ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).
Pastor Tom served several church plantings in Texas and Sweden before he was called to plant Christ the King Presbyterian Church in El Paso, Texas. He later earned a Master of Arts degree from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana and transferred his ordination to the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.
He has also served two LCMS congregations, Saint Luke Lutheran Church (Wheaton, KS), St. Paul Lutheran Church (Melrose Park, IL), and First Saint Paul’s (Chicago, IL). In 2010 he received a Doctorate in Ministry from Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago with an emphasis in preaching in a multi-ethnic urban context.
He was installed as Pastor of St. Luke on June 4, 2022. On August 23, 2022, Pastor Tom married Elizabeth right here at St. Luke. They have five adult children: Natalie, Daniel, Ezra, Joseph, and Elliot. He enjoys hiking, running, and walks with Elizabeth. Pastor Tom also plays the classical guitar, the Irish flute, and enjoys singing and photography.
St Luke Lutheran Church & Early Childhood Center
20 Candlewood Path
Dix Hills, NY 11746
Summer Program Office
(631) 490-2941
Preschool Office
(631) 462-5216
(631) 462-6496
Church Office
(631) 499-8656