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Sunday School

Sunday School 2024-2025

Sunday School is offered for children going into preschool up until the 5th grade. Sunday school meets every Sunday unless otherwise noted on the calendar during the school year. The Sunday School morning begins at the 10:45 AM worship service. Following the children's message, the children go over to the Education building for their religious instruction and activities by rotating stations. Our curriculum centers on getting to know the teachings of Jesus Christ and learning to relate to ourselves and each other in a Christian way. This training culminates in the child's first communion. Pick up is at 12:00pm.

Download the Welcome Packet (2024-2025 coming soon)

2023-2024 Sunday School Welcome Packet
Includes Welcome Letter, Class Schedule for the year, Pick up locations, etc.

*Click here to register your child for Sunday School.

*Click here to pay the Sunday School fee online.