Looking for Preschool information? Click here or call the Preschool Office (631) 462-5216. Book a tour today!
St. Luke Mission Statement: To know Christ and make Him known by Serving, Teaching, and Loving

Preschool – Preschool is designed for children who will be three years old by December 31 of the school year.

The children in this age group attend from two, three or five days per week for varying hours, which may include enrichment classes .

The preschool teachers build their lessons on the framework provided by Creative Curriculum by Teaching Strategies, a theme-based curriculum that offers the children the opportunity to have many hands-on experiences and develop positive relationships with their teachers and peers in a safe environment.

The skills our curriculum emphasizes include: self-help, language, social studies, math, music, dramatic play, science, and gross and fine motor skills. We integrate these learning experiences and skills through monthly thematic units.