Looking for Preschool information? Click here or call the Preschool Office (631) 462-5216. Book a tour today!
St. Luke Mission Statement: To know Christ and make Him known by Serving, Teaching, and Loving
St. Luke Sunday School
Sunday School is offered for children going into preschool up until the 5th grade. Sunday school meets every Sunday unless otherwise noted on the calendar during the school year. The Sunday School morning begins at the 10:45 AM worship service. Following the children's message, the children go over to the Education building for their religious instruction and activities by rotating stations. Our curriculum centers on getting to know the teachings of Jesus Christ and learning to relate to ourselves and each other in a Christian way. This training culminates in the child's first communion. Pick up is at 12:00pm.
Enrollment is open - It's never too late to register!
Check out what our Sunday School program looks like by clicking on the promo video!

Welcome Families!
We are so excited to have you register your child/children for our Sunday School program at St. Luke! I want to welcome those families that are coming back, families that we haven't seen in a while, and new families! I am looking forward to a wonderful school year together filled with interactive Bible stories and theme related snacks and crafts!
Did your child attend summer camp or Vacation Bible School this past summer?
Our Sunday School program is very similiar to VBS with rotating stations and familiar staff faces.
2024 - 2025
Sunday School
Follow the links below to learn more and register.
St Luke Lutheran Church & Early Childhood Center
20 Candlewood Path
Dix Hills, NY 11746
Summer Program Office
(631) 490-2941
Preschool Office
(631) 462-5216
(631) 462-6496
Church Office
(631) 499-8656